RBA Engineering Consultancy

‘Challenging Site’ Housing Development – Upton, Chester

Vacant plots in desirable urban locations have usually been left un-developed for a reason. This was definitely the case at the Upton, Chester site which was narrow and contained numerous ‘below ground’ challenges; several existing services, including private drainage systems. Our team took a leading role in establishing ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the various assets, and agreed service diversions with statutory undertakers to maximise the potential of the site.

The RBA team also designed the access road, foul and surface water drainage systems (all to adoptable standards) and obtained the necessary Consents.

The SUDs drainage solution identified was disposal to an existing culvert via a flow restrictor. The design provides for storm events to be attenuated and stored in large diameter pipes, which form part of the adopted sewerage system, to be laid below the site access road. The finished development of 13 high quality houses sits neatly within its surroundings and provides homes of varying sizes for private ownership.